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This study aims to determine the form of Mutual cooperation activities that are often carried out in Kuta Village, Belik Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency, precisely in Kuta lor Hamlet RT 04 RW 01 and how the local community preserves the culture of gotong royong that has existed in ancestral times until now.

The results of this research include: 1) Forms of mutual cooperation values that occur in Kuta Village, Belik District, Pemalang Regency include mutual cooperation activities to clean the mushola, mutual cooperation activities to clean the environment around residents' homes, mutual cooperation activities to clean the environment around the cemetery area, helping to build uninhabitable houses for residents who are unable to expect anything in return, cleaning around the setu river area, repairing damaged roads. 2) How to preserve the value of mutual cooperation in Kuta Village, Belik Subdistrict, Pemalang Regency, precisely in Kuta lor Hamlet RT 04 RW 01, namely by means of community awareness that arises because they want a clean environment, the awareness that humans are social creatures who always need help from others, in themselves must instill sincerity to participate in togetherness and always maintain unity with local residents, mutual cooperation activities such as community service are also often carried out by local residents in one month usually carried out community service usually 4 times a month.


Value Mutual Cooperation

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