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The purpose of this study was to describe students' mathematical literacy abilitiesa review of gender differences in SMA Negeri 3 Brebes, Brebes Regency, academic year2022/2023 in solving PISA model questions. The approach in this research Is qualitative approach with descriptive method. The research subjects were 6 students namely 2 students consisting of male students and female students from each level high, medium, and low mathematical literacy abilities. As for the indicators Mathematical literacy skills in this study refer to process indicators mathematics, namely (1) formulating real situations mathematically, (2) using concepts, facts, procedures, and mathematical reasoning, and (3) Interpret, apply and produce math results. The research results show that (1) ability high mathematical literacy produces an average number ability of 52.92% for female students and an average achievement of 43.6% for students male, in this case can work on questions up to level 4. (2) Literacy ability moderate mathematics resulted in an average achievement rate of 33.51% for participants female students and an average score of 32.78% for male students, in this case can work on questions up to level 4. (3) Literacy ability mathematics resulted in a low average number ability of 20.25% for the participants female students and an average score of 19.76% for male students men in this case can work on questions up to level 1.


mathematical literacy skills gender PISA

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