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The background of the problem in this study is the emergence of the phenomenon of insecure feelings experienced by some teenagers today who feel less confident. This is caused by internal and external factors. This insecurity arises consciously or unconsciously, adolescents experience an unfavorable event and have a negative view of themselves. The purpose of this study: (1) reveal the characteristics of adolescents who experience insecure feelings (2) understand the factors that cause insecure feelings in adolescents (3) know the impact of insecure feelings on self-adjustment that occurs in adolescents. The research used a descriptive qualitative research approach, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were adolescents who felt insecure. The results showed that the characteristics of adolescents who experience insecure are low self-esteem, comparing themselves and thirsting for praise and recognition from others. The factors that cause adolescents to feel insecure are internal factors, namely focusing on their own shortcomings and perfectionism. As for external factors, namely experiencing failure and getting unfavorable judgment from others. And the impact of insecure adolescents on self-adjustment is negative thinking and considering themselves worthless. Suggested to: 1) adolescents to be able to love themselves and focus on developing themselves, 2) for counseling teachers to develop information services regarding feelings of insecurity, 3) for the community to pay more attention to the behavior of their teenage sons and daughters regarding feelings of insecurity, 4) for future researchers to be able to conduct broader research related to Insecure Feelings and explore research with similar titles.