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This study aims to: 1) determine the effect of sukuk on the last yield of sukuk, 2)
determine the effect of sukuk rating on last yield sukuk, 3) determine the effect of sukuk risk
on last yield sukuk, 4) determine the effect of DER (Debt to Equity Ratio) on Last yield sukuk
and 5) determine the effect of sukuk value, sukuk rating, risk of sukuk and DER (Debt to Equity
Ratio) of the company on the last yield of sukuk on non-bank companies that issue sukuk in
2012-2017.The hypothesis in this study is 1) there is an influence of sukuk value on the last
yield of sukuk, 2) there is an influence of sukuk rating on last yield sukuk, 3) there is an
influence of sukuk risk on the last yield of sukuk, 4) there is influence of DER (Debt to Equity
Ratio) on the last yield of sukuk and 5) there is the influence of sukuk value, sukuk rating, risk
of sukuk and DER (Debt to Equity Ratio) of the company against the last yield of sukuk on
non-bank companies issuing sukuk in 2012-2017. Data analysis method in this research is
using descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis,
multiple linear regression analysis and coefficient of determination.The conclusions in this
study are: 1) there is a positive and insignificant effect between sukuk value on last yield
sukuk, 2) there is a negative and significant influence between sukuk rating on last yield sukuk,
3) there is a negative and insignificant effect between risk sukuk against the last yield of sukuk,
4) there is a negative and insignificant influence between the DER (Debt to Equity Ratio) of
the company on the last yield of sukuk and 5) there is a significant influence between the sukuk
value, sukuk rating, sukuk risk and DER (Debt to Equity Ratio ) the company against the last
yield of sukuk.


Sukuk Value Sukuk Rating Sukuk Risk DER Last Yield Sukuk

Article Details


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