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The purpose of this research was know how the benefits of relational marketing, handling complaints, and diversification of products against customer loyalty KUR on the BRI Unit Gumayun Branch of the province..Data collection methods used in this research is a questionnaire . While the method of data analysis and test the hypothesis that is used is the analysis of the correlation of rank spearman correlation coefficients significance test, rank correlation analysis, multiple spearman , multiple correlation coefficient, significance testing, and test coefficient determination.Based on the research results obtained: 1) there are enough influence (medium) and the positive benefits of relational marketing between loyalty towards the customer. 2) there is low and positive influence between the handling of complaints against customer loyalty. 3) there are enough influence (medium) and positive between customer loyalty towards product diversification. 4) there is a strong and positive influence between relational marketing, handling complaints, and diversification of products against customer loyalty.


Relational Marketing Complaint Handling Product Diversificatiion Customer Loyalty

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