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This study is aimed 1) to find out the students’ perception in the use of subtitled movie in enriching their English Vocabulary, and 2) to find out whether the subtitled movie can motivate students to learn English vocabulary or not. The participants in this research were 16 students of fourth semester at English Department Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Qualitative method was applied in this study. The researcher also used triangulation with three instruments. Checklist observation, questionnaire and documentation were used as the instruments to get the data. The finding of this research showed that the students have positive perception in the use of subtitled movie to enrich their English vocabulary. They also feel motivated when using subtitled movie as their learning media because it is enjoyable. Watching subtitled movie can be one of the effective media for the students to acquire a series of new words. Therefore, it is expected for the lecturer to use subtitled movies as the learning media as the students can be more relax during the learning process. For the further study, it is expected for other researchers to explore more about the use of subtitled movies as the learning media to explain additional information.


Perception Subtitled Movie Vocabulary

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