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This study focuses on the challenges and strategies of teachers in teaching speaking in high school. The purpose of this study is to find out what challenges are faced by teacher and what strategies are used by the teacher, and how students’ perceptions on the strategies that are often used by the teacher. The subjects were an English teacher and 30 students of Class XI MIPA 1 SMA N 1 Pagerbarang in the academic year 2021/2022. This study uses qualitative research method and the data were collected through questionnaire distributed to the English teacher and 30 students. Interviews were also conducted with one teacher and five students from Class XI MIPA 1, and the researchers also did class observations. The results showed that the challenges faced by teachers in teaching pronunciation are the students' lack of confidence and the students' lack of mastery of English vocabulary. The most frequently used strategies by the teacher were role play and storytelling. Students' perceptions of the strategy are also considered positive, seen from the role play strategy with the result frequency value of 11.6 and a percent value of 77.7% in the agree category. The variable perception of the storytelling strategy has a frequency value of 103.8 and a percent value of 69.18% in the agree category. Based on the average results of the questionnaire and the results of interviews with students, the role play strategy is preferred by students compared to storytelling


Challenge teaching strategy perceptions pronounciation

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