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The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of the use of the "Drops" Application use on students’ vocabulary achievement, to find out the effectiveness of “Drops” Apps to improve student vocabulary and to find out there is the significance of using the “Drops” application. This research used the True Experimental method which uses 2 classes (30 students in each class) and data collection using a post-test and checklist. From the results of the checklist, it can be concluded that the application of the "Drops" application to students for vocabulary learning is successful. Because almost 78% of students apply vocabulary learning using the "Drops" application. The results obtained showed that the average score of the experimental class was 69.60 and the control class was 59.60. This shows that the average post-test score in the experimental class is greater than the control class. The result of sig (2-tailed) was 0.003 which means the sig (2-tailed) value of 0.003 is smaller than = 0.05 (5%). Thus, there is a significant effect between the use of the "Drops" application on students' vocabulary achievement.


Drops Application Vocabulary Learning Smartphone

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