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The objectives of this research are to find out whether the use of Digital Picture Series gives a positive effect on students’ writing ability in narrative text and to find out whether there is a significant difference in writing scores between students who are taught by using Digital Picture Series and those who are taught without using Digital Picture Series. It is experimental study. The subject of the study was 72 students of SMK N 1 Dukuhturi, divided into experimental group and control group. The instrument used in this research was writing test about narrative text based on Digital Picture Series. The result of T-test shows that the sig. (2-tailed) value that it is 0.000, which is lower than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). It means that there is a positive effect of using Digital Picture Series on students’ writing ability in narrative text and there is a significant difference in writing scores between students who are taught by using Digital Picture Series and those who are not taught using Digital Picture Series. Therefore, teachers are advised to use Digital Picture Series media in the teaching and learning process to improve the students’ writing ability.


Writing Ability Digital Picture Series Narrative Text

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