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This research is aimed to find out whether the use of Internet Meme Pictures gives a positive effect on students’ writing ability or not, especially in learning compliment and congratulation expressions. The total sample taken in this study was 50 tenth-grade students from Al-Irsyad Senior High School Tegal, with 25 students in X MIA 1 as the experimental group and 25 students in X MIA 2 as the control group. The calculation of this research was conducted through SPSS 25. To collect the data, each group was given a pre-test and post-test on writing. The statistical calculation showed that the sig. (2-tailed) value was 0.000 < 0.050. Afterwards, the writer consulted the score in t-table and it revealed that t-count was 13.692, while the value of t-table was 2.064, which meant it proved that there was a positive effect of using Internet Meme Pictures towards students’ writing ability. In a nutshell, internet meme pictures have been proven to be an effective learning media and have a positive effect on students’ writing ability. The writer recommends using internet meme pictures as a teaching media, particularly when teaching writing.


Internet Memes Picture Writing Ability Compliment and Congratulation Expressions

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