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The purpose of this research is to: 1) determine the effect of perceived brand image on interest in entering SUPM Tegal, 2) determine the effect of perceived education costs on interest in entering SUPM Tegal; 3) knowing the effect of perception of school facilities on interest in entering SUPM Tegal; 4) knowing the effect of brand image perception on the perception of school governance; 5) knowing the effect of the perception of the cost of education on the perception of school governance., 6). determine the effect of perceptions of school facilities on perceptions of school governance; 7) find out the effect of perceptions of school governance on interest in entering SUPM Tegal; 8) knowing the effect of perceived brand image on interest in entering SUPM Tegal with the perception of school governance as a mediator; 9) knowing the effect of the perception of the cost of education on the interest in entering SUPM Tegal with the perception of school governance as a mediator; 10) determine the effect of the perception of facilities on the interest in entering SUPM Tegal with the perception of school governance as a mediator. The population of this study was the students of the Tegal SUPM, the students of the Tegal State SUPM for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 550 students with a total sample of 232 students and the sample was taken using a saturated sampling technique. The technique used to collect data in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis methods of this research are instrument validity and reliability tests, descriptive statistics, and quantitative analysis using the structural equation modeling (SEM) from the AMOS 4.0 statistical software package


Perception of Brand Image Perception of Education Cost Perception of School Facilities Perception of School Governance Interest in entering SUPM

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