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The purpose of this research is to 1) analyze the effect of inflation on financial distress, 2) analyze the effect of the SBI interest rate on financial distress; 3) Analyzing the effect of leverage on financial distress; 4) Analyzing the effect of profitability on financial distress; 5) Analyzing the effect of inflation on stock prices; 6). Analyzing the effect of the SBI interest rate on stock prices, 7). Analyzing the effect of leverage on stock prices, 8). Analyzing the effect of profitability on stock prices, 9). Analyzing the effect of financial distress on stock prices, 10). Analyzing the effect of inflation on stock prices with financial distress as a mediation, 11). Analyzing the effect of SBI interest rates on stock prices with financial distress as mediation, 12). Analyzing the effect of leverage on stock prices with financial distress as mediation, 13). Analyzing the effect of profitability on stock prices with financial distress as a mediation.The population in this study were all tourism and transportation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021, totaling 20 companies. The data collection method used in this research is the documentation method. The data analysis method of this research is descriptive statistics, and partial least square statistics.


Inflation SBI Interest RAte Leverage Profitability Financial Distress Stock Price

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