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The purpose of this research is to 1) determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance 2) determine the effect of teamwork on employee performance, 3) determine the effect of work climate on employee performance, 4) determine the effect of workload on employee performance 5) determine the effect of leadership style on work motivation. 6) determine the effect of team work on work motivation. 7) determine the effect of work climate on work motivation. 8) knowing the effect of workload on work motivation, 9) knowing the effect of work motivation on employee performance 10) knowing the effect of leadership style on employee performance through work motivation 11) knowing the effect of team work on employee performance through work motivation. 12) knowing the effect of work climate on employee performance through work motivation 13) knowing the effect of workload on employee performance through work motivation.The population and sample of this research are employees of the Regional Revenue Management Agency (Bappenda) Tegal Regency, totaling 45 employees with a sampling technique that is saturated sampling technique. The technique used to collect data in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis method of this research is the validity and reliability test of the instrument, descriptive statistics, and quantitative analysis using PLS analysis.


Leadership Style Teamwork Work Climate Employee Performance Work Motivation

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