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The purpose of this research is to: 1) determine the effect of the work environment on employee performance, 2) determine the influence of leadership style on employee performance; 3) determine the effect of teamwork on employee performance; 4) determine the effect of the work environment on employee morale; 5) knowing the influence of leadership style on employee morale, 6). knowing the effect of team work on employee morale; 7) determine the effect of work spirit on employee performance; 8) determine the effect of the work environment on employee performance with employee morale as a mediator; 9) knowing the influence of leadership style on employee performance with employee morale as a mediator; 10) determine the effect of teamwork on employee performance with employee morale as a mediator. The population of this study were employees of the Land Office of Pekalongan Regency, totaling 84 employees and the samples were taken using saturated sampling technique. The technique used to collect data in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis method of this research is the validity and reliability test of the instrument, descriptive statistics, and quantitative analysis, namely PLS analysis


Work Environment Leadership Style Teamwork Employee Morale Employee Performance

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