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determine the effect of employee compensation on resistance to change; 3) knowing the effect of democratic leadership on resistance to change; 4) determine the effect of psychological capital on employee performance; 5) knowing the effect of employee compensation on employee performance; 6 knowing the effect of democratic leadership on employee performance; 7) determine the effect of resistance to change on employee performance; 8) knowing the significance of resistance to change in mediating the effect of psychological capital on employee performance; 9) knowing the significance of resistance to change in mediating the effect of compensation on employee performance; 10) determine the significance of resistance to change in mediating the influence of democratic leadership on employee performance. The population of this study were employees of the Procurement Manager of Goods/Services in the Tegal City Government, totaling 134 employees and in this study the sample was taken using the formula from Slovin with a total sample of 100 people. The technique used to collect data in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis methods of this research are instrument validity and reliability tests, descriptive statistics, and quantitative analysis


Psychological Capital Employee Compensation Democratic Leadership Change Resistance Employee Performance

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