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Counseling teachers/counselors who provide group guidance services have the main task of developing group dynamics. Without the development of group dynamics to a certain level of effectiveness, the continuation of group guidance activities cannot be expected. In the implementation of group guidance, the realization of developed group dynamics can be likened to a ready-to-use vehicle to load problems and topics that will be discussed in further activities. The sudden change from face-to-face methods in the classroom to distance learning from home also affects the implementation of group guidance for BK teachers/counselors. Uneven internet access, a very limited number of hours and the conditions and situations of students who experience many difficulties if the implementation of group guidance is carried out online. This is also triggered by the lack of communication skills and technology is a vulnerability in distance learning initiatives in Indonesia. Which then affects the communication skills of students. Therefore, on this occasion the researcher wants to conduct a study on the use of online learning media with learning. This method also focuses on active communication and students in learning activities.


Group Guidance IT Communication Ability

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