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The purposes of this study were to 1) Knowing the effect of self-esteem on employee performance, 2) determine the effect of self-efficacy on employee performance; 3) Knowing the effect of locus of control on employee performance; 4) Knowing the effect of self-esteem on job satisfaction; 5) Knowing the effect of self-efficacy on job satisfaction; 6). Knowing the effect of locus of control on job satisfaction; 7) Knowing the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance; 8) Knowing the effect of self-esteem on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable; 9) Knowing the effect of self efficacy on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable; and; 10) Knowing the effect of locus of control on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. The subjects of this study were all employees of Suradadi Hospital, Tegal Regency, which had 279 employees. The technique used to collect data in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis methods of this research are instrument validity and reliability tests, descriptive statistics, and quantitative analysis.


Self Esteem Self Efficiacy Locus of Control Performance Work Goals

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