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The discussion about the Alpha generation cannot be separated from education. Mainly humanist character education. This study uses a library research method by studying data sourced from books and scientific journals that discuss the Alpha generation, humanist character education, and transformational leadership. The goal is to find out how the contribution of transformational leadership in realizing humanist education for the Alpha generation. From this study, the results obtained; 1) Humanist character education is needed to reduce negative things and optimize the individual potential of the Alpha generation. 2) Based on the facts above, schools need to improve to change the new paradigm of the direction and purpose of education, namely the formation of knowledge and personality of students through increasing the intensity and quality of character education. 3) The role of leadership in realizing education based on human values ​​is very large. 4) In this era, school principals are required to present humanist leadership; humanize humans. Not a rigid authoritarian leadership or leadership that merely performs administrative functions; 5) The contribution of the principal's transformational leadership to implement humanist character education in schools must appear in several strategic steps


Generation Alpha Transformational Leadership Humanist Character Education

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