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The objectives in this study were to: 1. Determine the level of understanding of stunting prevention before giving treatment or group guidance services. 2. Knowing the level of understanding of stunting prevention after being given treatment or group guidance services. 3. To find out whether there is influence of group guidance services to increase understanding of stunting prevention. This study used a quantitative research method, which used a control group and an experimental group. The results of this study indicate that before carrying out group guidance services, the average result obtained in the control group was 58.71 while the experimental group obtained an average value of 53.26. Both the control and experimental groups were still in the very low category in understanding stunting prevention. However, after being given group guidance treatment services to the experimental group, there was an average difference, namely the control group obtained a score of 59.13 and the experimental group obtained a value of 82.87. In the experimental group the increase in the average value was very significant. This is supported by the results of the paired sample t-test where in the experimental group the significance value is <0.05, which means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, meaning that group guidance can improve understanding in stunting prevention.


Group guidance stunting

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