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This study focuses to examine about the use of consecutive interpreting strategies by the students of English Education Department in Universitas Pancasakti Tegal that joined in interpreting class in sixth semester. This study aims to analyze consecutive interpreting strategies the students and to identify the problems encountered in consecutive interpreting. Descriptive qualitative method employed in this research. Documentation, observation, and questionnaire were used to collect the data. The collected data then were analyzed based on Faerch and Kasper (1983) for the consecutive interpreting strategies and the problem, based on effort models in consecutive interpretation by Gile.

The strategies used by students were vary, the percentage of the use of message abandonment strategy is 100%, skipping 18%, incomplete sentence 47%, filtering 82%, appeal for assistance 18%, and elaboration 18%. While for the problems, 41% students encountered listening issue, 47% for note-taking issue, 64% for short-term memory operation, 11% for recalling and note-reading, 58% for fluency, and 29% for production. From the findings above, it can be concluded that the most common strategy of consecutive interpretation utilized by 100% students is message abandoned, due to abandonment, 47% or almost a half of the population of the students cannot transfer the message accurately, the lack of the accuracy is caused by memory issue which was faced by 59% of the students, and proven by the outlined effort models in consecutive interpreting based on Gile’s theory which the result is 64% caused by short-term memory operation as the major problem encountered by the students.


Consecutive Interpreting English-Indonesian Interpretation

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