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The objectives of this research are to describe the implementation of scaffolding strategies in teaching reading comprehension, and to find out whether or not there is effectiveness of the using scaffolding strategy on students’ reading comprehension. This research was conducted through an experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design. The population is 256 students of class VIII SMP N 01 Kota Tegal. The sample is 64 students, 32 students of class VIII H as experimental group and 32 students of class VIII G as control group. Researchers used cluster random sampling with a two-group design, namely the experimental group taught using scaffolding strategies and the control group taught without using scaffolding strategies. Data collection techniques consisted of pre-test and post-test,  reading test and observation checklist as instruments. The SPSS 22 program was used to analyze the data. The mean results of the post-test showed that the experimental group was higher than the control group (74.06 > 78.44). The Paired Samples T-Test results showed a sig. (tailed) value is 0.000 < 0.05. Which means there is effectiveness on students' reading comprehension in the experimental group compared to the control group. So, scaffolding strategy is effective on students' reading comprehension. Furthermore, the researcher suggested: 1) Teachers should be use scaffolding strategies as a teaching method in teaching reading comprehension, 2) Students to practice a ot of their reading comprehension by independently or with assistance, 3) Future researchers should try and develop the use of scaffolding strategies to teach other English language skills.


scaffolding strategy reading comprehension teaching reading

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