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Aneka Bonecom Component has implemented a strategy to enhance product competitiveness through quality control. In reality, when implemented, the quality of the produced products is still inconsistent. One of the products produced with poor quality at PT. Aneka Bonecom Component is the Boot Camp product, which has become one of the products with the most defects during the production process and, of course, causes customer dissatisfaction. Another way to maintain quality is by using the Statistical Quality Control method. (SQC). This research uses a quantitative research design, where the processed data consists of supplementary data taken from the company and primary data obtained through direct data collection. The Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method is applied in this research with primary data obtained through direct observation and structured interviews with the production department.Based on the graph, it is clear that the production process in January and December 2023 is unstable. Production data in those months were outside the established control limits, indicating that the process was not proceeding as desired. This indicates that the current production capacity is not yet able to meet the established quality criteria.Research analysis shows that Boot Camp product defects have five main root causes: human factors, materials, machines, methods, and environment. From the SQC analysis results, it was found that the defect of rubber shortage is the most significant quality issue at PT. Aneka Bonecom Component, with a total of 76,206 pcs/year. This indicates a problem in the production process, as shown on the control chart which has two data points outside the control limits, both above and below.


Industry Manufacturing Quality Control Rubber Component Statistical Quality Control

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