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A manufacturing company is an industrial business engaged in managing raw goods into finished goods. With these problems, PT TRC needs to improve the vendor selection mechanism. The AHP (Analytical Hierarcy Process) method can be used as a tool to carry out the vendor selection process, so that the selected vendor is truly in accordance with the criteria set.Interview findings are the primary data source. Secondary data includes supplier information for raw materials, supplier selection and evaluation criteria, and company profile information. After obtaining the necessary data, supplier prioritization is determined through data processing using the AHP approach. The optimal supplier priorities are determined by analyzing the results of data processing. All criteria have a CR value below 0.1 in the AHP calculation, according to the results of the AHP calculation for each of the criteria mentioned above. If the CR value is below 0.1, the calculation can proceed to the next step. The results of pairwise comparison weights between suppliers on each criterion are multiplied by the sum of the results and weights of pairwise comparisons between criteria in the next calculation step. Based on the results of calculations using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, it can be concluded that the selection of suppliers carried out through the evaluation of quality, price, and delivery time criteria results in a clear priority order. In the data collection stage, two members of the purchasing staff provided information through a questionnaire, which was then used to compile a pairwise comparison matrix between criteria and between suppliers.